Searching for the Perfect Match: Career Day 2024

The success story of our Career Day continues: On June 14th, 126 students and 13 companies set out once more to find their professional "Perfect Match." The feedback: overwhelmingly positive.

Author: RWTH Business School
Published: 31.07.2024

More Than Just a Career Fair

Since 2023, Career Day has provided students in our MBA and Master's programs with an exclusive platform to network with potential employers and gain valuable insights into various industries. The event is tailored specifically to the needs of our mostly international management students with a technology focus, and once again, it was a great success. In addition to the job fair, where renowned companies such as Deloitte, Porsche, Henkel, Siemens, Airbus, Tesla, and e.On were represented, students had the opportunity to review their resumes in one-on-one sessions and have professional application photos taken.

Authentic insights and original voices are provided in our recap video:

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From Student to Exhibitor

The event's success was particularly evident this year, as several students who attended as visitors last year had now switched sides to represent a company. This transformation did not only make our students proud but our career service team: Lisa Robens, Head of Career Services and Relationship Management, emphasized: "Our goal is to place students in internships and responsible full-time positions at renowned companies through our offerings. This moment showed us that we are achieving this goal."

Inspiring Lectures and Workshops

Additional highlights of the day included lectures and workshops conducted by Henkel, Siemens, Saint-Gobain, Porsche, e.On, and Airbus. These sessions offered students insights into each company's corporate philosophy and career opportunities while giving valuable knowledge about current trends and developments in technology and management. Moreover, students received crucial information about application processes and selection criteria from HR specialists.

These were the corporate presentations in 2024:

  • Porsche: "No parts, no cars, no money! Procurement at Porsche and Challenges of Buyers in the Automotive Industry"
  • Airbus: "The future of flying – connecting today with tomorrow"
  • Henkel: "Henkel meets RWTH Business School - A transparent Talk about application tips, benefits, salary & co. No questions are taboo with us!"
  • e.On: "It's on us to be on the road to Zero Trust"

Networking at Its Best

Our Career Day provided students with the perfect opportunity to form valuable connections and exchange ideas with potential employers. The participating companies were highly impressed by the quality and commitment of our students. Nick Schröter, Talent Engagement Specialist, remarked, "The combination of engineering and management skills that RWTH Business School students possess is crucial for our company's development. We seek talents with these skills who are also eager to grow with us long-term, potentially becoming leaders or joining the management team. The atmosphere at Career Day was, as always, fantastic."

Many students reported inspiring encounters and gained new perspectives for their professional futures. "Career Day is a great opportunity to see if what we learn in case studies is really relevant in practice. And the answer is usually: Yes, it is! It's a great experience," says our student Thomas. Another student, Paul, shares his experience: "I am studying M.Sc. Data Analytics & Decision Science at RWTH Business School. Seeing real data experts taking the time to be here shows me how important my skills are to the industry. I've already spoken with three experts from different companies, which was today's highlight for me."

Whether there were "Perfect Matches" again this year remains to be seen. We keep our fingers crossed and look forward to Career Day 2025.

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